How to Deal with A Cracked Tooth

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Our tooth is composed of soft and hard tissues. The crown of the tooth is encased in an outer covering called enamel and an inner covering called dentin, which protects the pulp tissue in the middle. Ideally, a tooth is strong enough to withstand all kinds of forces but there are many reasons that one can suffer from a cracked tooth.

dealing with cracked tooth
Section of Tooth, vector illustration ( for Education Purpose & Clinics)
  • A tooth can crack after it has gotten brittle from a root canal
  • A tooth can become weaken due to dental caries
  • A tooth can accidentally fracture because of a wrong bite
  • A tooth can break from a physical blow to the mouth
  • A tooth can crack because of constant grinding and clenching

A cracked tooth can trouble a patient and a reliable dentist can prescribe the following solutions for the problem:

  1. Dental Filling. If the crack on the tooth is due to dental decay, the most appropriate solution will be a simple tooth filling. Any diseased tissue will have to be removed and the tooth will have to be prepared, before it is filled and restored to its natural form and appearance.
  2. Dental Bonding. Teeth boding makes use of composite resin, which is the same material used in dental fillings. This kind of restoration is appropriate for cracks found on the facial or frontal surface of the tooth because it is a restorative procedure performed by layering filling material over the tooth surface.
  3. Dental Crowns. If the crack on the tooth is more severe and there is danger of further fracture on the tooth, a crown may be fitted on the tooth instead, to restore it. For crowns to be fabricated, the tooth will have to be reduced, though so some compromise will have to be made.
  4. Dental Veneers. Veneers are a more cosmetic alternative to dental bonding procedures. It follows the same principle of covering just the facial surface of the tooth to cover cracks, but since a prosthetic material will have to be placed some tooth reduction is required. Dental veneers may be fabricated in ceramic or porcelain material, depending on the patient’s own preference.

A reliable dentist in upland aims to address a dental problem by looking closely. He will look into the condition and make a good assessment, so that he could forward the perfect treatment based on the patient’s own preference. A cracked tooth may be dealt with by the dental treatments mentioned above. Choose one that is most appropriate for your need.