How to Tell if Your Bite is Misaligned

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A misaligned bite, known in the dental world as malocclusion of the teeth, can cause damage to your mouth in a lot of ways. If you have trouble biting, chewing, swallowing, or even closing your mouth, you may be suffering from an unaligned bite.

At Alta Dental Care, we provide specialized treatments and services to help you re-align your crooked teeth. Whether you are afraid to smile due to your misaligned teeth, or you are having problems performing simple functions, it’s imperative that you get help from your Upland dentist right away.

Below, read about the symptoms of a misaligned bite and use this guide to determine whether your bite needs adjustment.

Signs and Symptoms

Do you feel that your teeth are out of alignment? It is a possibility if you are dealing with one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Changes in the appearance of your face
  • Constant biting of your tongue or cheeks
  • Pain or discomfort when chewing and biting
  • Problems speaking, possibly even developing a lisp
  • Breathing issues

If you are experiencing any of the above feelings, then you may need to schedule an appointment with your dentist right away.


If you’ve discovered that you have an overbite, underbite, crowded teeth, or just general misalignment, you’re probably wondering where it came from. Some of the most common causes that can lead to malocclusion in the mouth include:

  • Thumb sucking as a child
  • Bottle feeding as a child
  • Cleft lip or cleft palate
  • Impacted teeth
  • Teeth that are abnormally shaped
  • Poor dental care in the past, such as improperly fitted braces or fillings
  • Airway obstruction due to tonsils or allergies

Misaligned bites can be diagnosed according to certain classifications. In some cases, your misalignment may be classified as an overbite or an underbite, depending on which part of the jaw overlaps the other. Some cases are more severe than others and may lead to the need for more dental treatments.

Tests and Treatments

According to WebMD, several different treatments and diagnoses are recommended for a malocclusion. At Alta Dental Care, we take several precautions during testing to ensure that you are being accurately diagnosed. The first step is to take an x-ray of your mouth to not only determine the shape of your bite but to see if there are any obstructions underneath the gums.

After a thorough diagnosis is made, the treatments can begin. Some of the most common treatments for a misaligned bite include braces, retainers, and removal of the teeth.

In some cases, there are other complications as well. For example, you may experience tooth decay or physical irritation. If that is the case, you may need additional treatments that include fillings, root canals, and crowns.

When Should This be Treated?

Misaligned teeth should be treated as quickly as possible. As soon as you recognize that you are dealing with certain symptoms or irritations as a result of crooked teeth, you should make an effort to see your dentist right away.

The younger in age you are, the easier and quicker it is to treat misaligned teeth. If you notice the symptoms of malocclusion in your child, you should schedule a restorative or orthodontic dentistry appointment for them as quickly as possible.

Fix Your Misaligned Teeth Today!

Alta Dental Care is focused on giving patients the smiles of their dreams. But, it goes beyond just a smile – the entire health of your mouth is the biggest priority. Misaligned teeth don’t just look crooked; they can cause some serious health effects to your teeth, gums, and jaw. Most of the time, these problems only exacerbate as time goes on. As soon as you notice something is bothering you, schedule an appointment with us right away.

You can reach out to us at any time. Visit us online to request an appointment, or give us a call at (909) 451-8300 to speak with a friendly representative today.