What Is the Recovery Timeline for Root Canal?

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When your dentist tells you that it is time to sign up for a root canal procedure, you might feel scared about what the treatment will entail. You may have heard stories about root canals causing a lot of pain. It is understandable to worry about losing your tooth altogether. However, the goal of a root canal is to remove infected tissue so the rest of your tooth can remain intact. As long as you understand how a root canal works, you should not be met with any negative surprises. We are here today to answer your questions about the procedure and specifically address the recovery timeline for a root canal.


The Root Canal Procedure

Root canals are necessary when you have an extensive tooth infection. Sometimes, decay spreads so quickly that we cannot treat it with cavity fillings alone. A root canal is an endodontic intervention that can instantly wipe out the source of decay and restore your mouth to good dental health. 

Despite all the urban myths about root canals, they are a straightforward process. When you are experiencing major tooth pain due to an infection, a root canal can put an instant end to that pain and prevent that infection from spreading further. An unchecked infection can travel to your bloodstream, which can be fatal as the decay travels through your body. 


How Root Canals Work

Root canals are often performed in an attempt to save the infected tooth altogether. If the infection or damage to the tooth has grown too severe, then an extraction may be necessary. During a root canal, your endodontist will use a drill to create an opening to the bottom of your tooth. The infected pulp will be extracted from the roots through this hole. This extraction cuts off your tooth from connecting with the nervous system, but it also ultimately gets rid of the infection.

That small hole is then filled with a composite material that looks and functions just like your natural tooth. This material also shields the tooth from getting infected again. 


Root Canal Recovery

You will be numbed with topical anesthesia throughout the procedure. That way, you are not actually feeling any pain at all. After the anesthesia wears off, when you arrive back home, you might start to feel some pain. Swelling and bruising are common around the mouth. Your dentist will want you to keep fresh gauze in your mouth while the bleeding slowly comes to a stop.


When Can You Return to Work?

Within just a few days, you will be well enough to return to your normal activities. As long as there are no complications, the timeline of your root canal recovery will be short and smooth. The swelling will go down within a couple of days. You can take prescribed pain medications to mitigate symptoms of bleeding or bruising as needed. You are encouraged to check in with your dentist often, especially if you suspect that something is wrong. 


Schedule Your Root Canal Today 

If you are experiencing tooth pain that has not gone away and are worried about infection, you might be the perfect candidate for a root canal. The procedure is highly successful and accurate, and it can wipe out infection without forcing you to lose any of your natural teeth. Get in touch with our trusted dentist in Upland to make your first appointment and start your journey towards better dental health today.