What Causes Broken Veneers?

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Dental veneers are made to be quite durable and last for many years. But just like our natural teeth, they are not unbreakable, especially if you do not take proper care of them. There are many factors that can lead to your veneers wearing out faster than desired. In this article we will look at what causes broken veneers and how to prevent it.

What Causes Broken Veneers?

Dental veneers can break for a variety of reasons, including your personal lifestyle and habits. Here are some of the most common causes of broken dental veneers:

  • Dental veneers were initially improperly designed or placed
  • Teeth grinding habits that put constant pressure on dental veneers and wear them out
  • Sudden physical impact on veneers when biting into very hard foods (apples, ice, popcorn seeds, etc.) or some other objects
  • Physical impact on veneers from using your teeth as tools (for example, for opening bottles, untying notes, etc.)
  • Facial trauma or a substantial impact on the face when falling, playing contact sports, etc.
  • Decay or cavities of the tooth covered by the veneer
  • Debonding of the veneer from the tooth, which happens when the dental bonding material that attaches veneers to your teeth fails to keep the veneer in place

Apart from accidents mentioned on this list, dental veneers do not break very often. Before veneers are placed, your dentist will thoroughly check the health of your teeth. This ensures that you do not have any cavities that can lead to tooth decay. When it comes to applying the bonding material, a good dentist will always make sure that the amount is sufficient to keep your veneers attached to your teeth.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

The longevity of dental veneers depends on the material they are made from. Today, there are several options of materials for dental veneers, but the most popular are porcelain, ceramic, and resin-based composite veneers.

Porcelain veneers are very durable and can last 15 to 20 years with proper care. They are also less likely to be stained easily than other types of veneers. Composite and ceramic veneers tend to be less durable and can last about 10 years on average.

What to Do if Your Veneer Broke?

If your veneer breaks, the best course of action is to make an appointment with your dentist right away. A same-day or next-day visit is preferable for broken veneers. Try to preserve the broken piece of the veneer in a soft, clean cloth and a container, and bring it to your appointment. In some cases, depending on the material it is made of, it is possible to restore the broken veneer.

Broken Porcelain Veneers

Unfortunately, if a porcelain veneer breaks, it rarely can be restored and will have to be replaced. If the tooth underneath the broken veneer is not damaged, it likely will not have to be filed again. After taking an impression and an X-ray, a new veneer will be prepared. Then, it will be placed on the tooth again in the same manner it was the first time. If your tooth gets damaged, you will first receive the necessary treatment.

If your porcelain veneer just got loose or dislodged without chipping or breaking, it might be possible to rebond it with your tooth. In some cases, very small chips on the veneer can be smoothed using dental contouring.

Broken Composite Veneers

The amount of damage done to a composite resin veneer and how soon you are able to see your dentist will determine if it can be restored. If restoration is impossible, you will receive a new veneer.

How to Prevent Dental Veneers from Breaking?

The first step is to find a qualified and skilled dentist who will install your veneers properly. This will ensure that you avoid such inconveniences as missed tooth decay underneath the veneer, poorly made impressions of your bite and teeth, or failed bonding. Breaking can happen if the impressions of your teeth and bite were made incorrectly or if there was insufficient bonding during the placement of the veneer. If the veneer is not fitted properly, to begin with, a lot of excess pressure is applied to it when chewing, leading to a much higher risk of breaking.

  • Maintain daily and thorough dental hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day.
  • Have regular checkups and professional cleanings at your dentist’s office.
  • Avoid putting too much pressure on your veneers by biting down on hard foods or using your teeth as tools.
  • Try to stop your teeth-grinding habits if you have them.

Make an Appointment Today

If you have any questions left or need help with a broken veneer, do not hesitate to make an appointment at our office. Our highly qualified dentists will make sure that your teeth are properly attended to.